CLASS- 6 CH2-The World of Operating Systems

The World of Operating Systems
Windows 10

Answer the following questions.

a) What is an operating system? Explain its basic functions.
An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs. It is used to boot the computer, manages all the hardware and software installed in computer.

b) Explain the term 'Software License'.
A license is simply the mechanism that authorizes us to use the software, separate from any fees. Software license does not mean that we have to pay for the software, even free software is licensed.

c) What is the difference between Proprietary OS and Open Source OS.
Proprietary OS means an operating system that is licensed by the copyright holder under very specific
conditions. Open‐source OS is an operating system for which the source code is released free of cost.

d) Write a short note on Windows 10.
Windows 10 is the most recent version of the operating system from Microsoft. Officially it was released on 29 July 2015 and was initially offered free of charge to legal users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. This new version combines features from those two previous versions (Windows 7 & 8.1)
e) Write a short note on Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is the most widely used open source Linux based free operating system. Its desktop looks somewhat similar to that of MS‐Windows, with window controls and icons. There is reasonably a large software support available on Ubuntu.


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